
微电子与光电子学系 博导


王枫秋,男,本科毕业于北京大学电子学系,2009年获英国剑桥大学电子工程专业博士学位。入选国家级青年人才,获得江苏省“杰出青年科学基金”资助。多年来围绕低维材料光学性质调控、新颖光电器件等方向开展了多项原创工作。至今在包括Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Communications, Optics Letters等刊物发表论文100余篇。总引用逾6000次,其中16篇论文引用过百。担任国家重点研发计划课题负责人,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项。2010年获得英国皇家工程院ERA Foundation Award 银奖,并先后入选江苏省“双创人才计划”和江苏省“双创团队计划”。担任激光和光电子领域国际主流会议CLEO, CLEO-pacific rim, ACP会议的程序委员会委员。是Nature Communications, ACS Nano等学术期刊的审稿人。研究成果先后四次被光电子行业主流杂志《LaserFocusWorld》亮点报道,一项成果入选“2017中国光学十大进展”,是国际光学学会资深会员(OSA Senior Member)。

课题组网页          http:/photonics


1. 低维材料及其异质体系的光学性质调控;
2. 低维材料新颖光子功能器件;
3. 超快激光器及应用;


Laser Physics and Applications (taught in English)

Advances in Electronic Devices (taught in English)


[1]  A robust and tuneable mid-infrared  optical switch enabled by bulk Dirac fermions

C. Zhu, F. Wang*, Y. Meng, X. Yuan, F.  Xiu, H. Luo, Y. Wang, J. Li, X. Lv, L. He, Y. B. Xu, J. F. Liu, C. Zhang, Y.  Shi, R. Zhang, S. N. Zhu, Nature Communications 8, 14111 (2017)

[2] Planar carbon  nanotube-graphene hybrid films for high-performance broadband photodetectors

Y. D. Liu, F. Wang*, X. M. Wang, X. Z.  Wang, E. Flahaut, X. L. Liu, Y. Li, X. R. Wang, Y. B. Xu, Y. Shi, and R. Zhang*, Nature Communications 6, 8589 (2015)

[3] Wideband tuneable, nanotube  mode-locked, fiber lasers

F. Wang, A. G. Rozhin, V. Scardaci, Z. Sun,  F. Hennrich, I. H. White, W. I. Milne, A. C. Ferrari, Nature Nanotechnology 3, 738 (2008)

[4] Tailoring exciton dynamics of monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides by interfacial electron-phonon coupling

Z. Nie, Y. Shi, S. Qin, Y. Wang, H. Jiang, Q. Zheng, Y. Cui, Y. Meng, F. Song, X. Wang, E. Turcu, X. Wang, Y. Xu, Y. Shi, J. Zhao*, R. Zhang*, F. Wang*, Communications Physics 2, 103 (2019)

[5] Ultrafast free carrier dynamics in  black phosphorus-molybdenum disulfide (BP/MoS2) heterostructure

Z. Nie, Y. Wang, Z. Li, Y. Sun, S. Qin, X. Liu, I.C.E. Turcu, Y. Shi, R. Zhang, Y. Ye, Y. Xu*, G. Cerullo*, and F. Wang*, Nanoscale Horizons 4, 1099 (2019)

[6] Slowing down photocarrier relaxation in Dirac semimetal Cd3As2 via Mn doping

Y. Sun, Y. Meng, R. Dai, Y. Yang, Y. Xu, S.N. Zhu, Y. Shi, F. Xiu, F. Wang*, Opt. Letters  44, 4103 (2019)

[7] Dirac Semimetal Saturable Absorber with Actively Tunable Modulation Depth

Y. Sun, Y. Meng, H. Jiang, S. Qin, Y. Yang, F. Xiu, Y. Shi, S. Zhu, and F. Wang*, Opt. Letters 44, 582 (2019)

[8] Three-dimensional Dirac Semimetal Thin-film Absorber  for Broadband Pulse Generation in the Near-infrared

Y. Meng, C. Zhu, Y. Li, X. Yuan, F. Xiu, Y. Shi, Y. Xu, and F. Wang*, Opt. Letters 43, 1503 (2018)

[9]  Observation of bimolecular recombination in high mobility semiconductor Bi2O2Se using ultrafast spectroscopy

C. Zhu, T. Tong, Y. Liu, Y. Meng, Z. Nie, X. Wang*, Y. Xu, Y. Shi, R. Zhang, and F. Wang*, Appl. Phys. Lett.  113, 061104 (2018) 

[10] Broadband  Nonlinear Optical Response of Monolayer MoSe2 under Ultrafast Excitation

Z. Nie, C. Trovatello, E. Pogna, S. Conte, P. Miranda, E. Kelleher, C. Zhu, E. Turcu, Y. Xu, K. Liu, G. Cerullo, and F.  Wang*, Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 031108 (2018)

[11] Broadband photocarrier dynamics and nonlinear  absorption of PLD-grown WTe2 semimetal films

W.  Gao, L.  Huang, J. Xu, Y.  Chen, C.  Zhu, Z.  Nie, Y.  Li, X.  Wang, Z.  Xie, S.  Zhu, J.  Xu, X Wan, C. Zhang, Y. Xu,  Y.  Shi, and F. Wang*, Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 171112 (2018)

[12] Broadband hot-carrier dynamics in three-dimensional Dirac semimetal Cd3As2

C. Zhu, X. Yuan, F. Xiu, C. Zhang, Y. Xu, R. Zhang, Y. Shi, and F. Wang*, Appl. Phys. Lett. 111,  091101 (2017)

[13] A light-stimulated synaptic device based on graphene hybrid phototransistor

S. Qin, F. Wang,* Y. Liu, Q. Wan, X. Wang, Y. Xu, Y. Shi, X. Wang,* and R. Zhang*, 2D Materials 4, 035022 (2017)

[14] Sensitive and Robust Ultraviolet Photodetector Array based on Self-Assembled Graphene/C60 Hybrid Films

S. Qin, X. Chen, Q. Du, Z. Nie, X. Wang, H. Lu, X. Wang, K. Liu, Y. Xu, Y. Shi, R. Zhang*, and F. Wang*, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10, 38326 (2018)

[15] Planar graphene-C60-graphene heterostructure for sensitive UV-Visible photodetection  

S. Qin, H. Jiang, Q. Du, Z. Nie, X. Wang, W. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Xu, Y. Shi, R. Zhang, and F. Wang*,  Carbon 146, 486 (2019)



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