
信息电子学系 博导


1997年毕业于港澳宝典资料大全,获博士学位。港澳宝典资料大全港澳宝典资料大全电子工程系教授,图像工程实验室主任。电路与系统学科带头人,南京市321工程有突出贡献中青年专家。先后在日本富士通、美国西北大学访问研究, 曾挂职宜兴市科技副市长。主持承担了自然科学基金、国际合作重大项目,以及江苏省科技支撑计划等项目。发表SCI、EI学术论文100余篇。获授权国家发明专利20余项,江苏省科学技术三等奖、江苏省优秀软件产品奖,中国计算机行业发展成就奖(团体),日本富士通优秀业绩奖,港澳宝典资料大全青年骨干教师奖。


1. 图像处理与控制;

2. 机器学习与视觉AI;




  • Sidan Du, Duntang Gao, and Shuyi Zhang, Study of large travel tube scanner for photon scanning tunneling microscopy and its investigation for soft materials, Review of scientific instruments, volume 68, No.4, p1764--1768, 1997

  • Sidan Du, Lian Cai, Yang Li, Duntang Gao, Model of tip-sample interaction and image reconstruction, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 55, No 2, p507--513, 2006

  • Chengzhi Fang, Sidan Du, Correlation-based sphere decoder for time-varying OFDM systems, Electronics Letters,vol.43, no.12, p669--670, 2007

  • Yao Yu, Yu Zhou, Kanglian, Zhao, Sidan, Du, Candidate-Based Routing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IEICE transactions on communications, vol.93, no.4, p1033--1036, 2010

  • Guiliang Lu, Yu Zhou, Yao Yu, Sidan Du, A Novel Approach for Foreign Substances Detection in Injection Using Clustering and Frame Difference, Sensors, 2011, Vol.11, No.10, pp.9121--9135

  • Hua Jiang, Sidan Du, Complex korkine-zolotareff reduction algorithm for full-diversity MIMO detection, IEEE Communications Letters, vol 17, no 2, p381--384, 2013

  • Yao Yu, Yu Zhou, Sidan Du, Yuan Jie, Ziqiang Wang, Zhengyu Cai. Learninghuman shape model from multiple databases with correspondence consideringkinematic consensus. The visual computing. 2013

  • Xianglei Xing, Yao Yu, Hua Jiang, Sidan Du, A multi-manifold semi-supervised Gaussian mixture model for pattern classification, Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 34, pages 2118--2125, 2013

  • Zhao, Kanglian and Du, Sidan, Full-diversity approximated lattice reduction algorithm for low-complexity MIMO detection, IEEE Communications Letters, vol 18, no 6, p 1079--1082, June 2014

  • Yang Li,P Chu,J Liu,Du Sidan,A Novel Partitioned Light Guide Backlight LCD for Mobile Devices and Local Dimming Method With Non-uniform Backlight Compensation,Journal of Display Technology, vol. 10, pp. 321--328,2014

  • Qiangpeng Yang, Chenglei Peng, He Zhao, Yao Yu, Yu Zhou, Ziqiang Wang, Du, Sidan, A new method based on PSR and EA-GMDH for host load prediction in cloud computing system, Journal of Supercomputing, Volume 68, pages 1402--1417, 2014

  • Shuihua Wang, Ming Yang, Sidan Du, et al,Wavelet entropy and directed acyclic graph support vector machine for detection of patients with unilateral hearing loss in MRI scanning, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2016, 10, Article ID: 160

  • Shuihua Wang, Sidan Du, et al,Preliminary Research on Brain Tumor Detection in MRI Scanning by Wavelet Entropy and Kernel Support Vector Machine,BMC Medical Imaging, 2016(S1), Article ID: 05

  • Yongming Nie, Tao Yue, Hao Zhu, Sidan Du, et al,Journal Visual Communicaion and Image Representation,Robust multi-view stereo synthesized by various parameters model,J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 42 (2017) 183–191

  • Yongming Nie,LinSen Chen ,Hao Zhu, Tao Yue, Xun Cao, Sidan Du,Graph-regularized Tensor Robust Principal Component Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Denoising,Applied Optics, 56(22), 6094,2017

  • Xinnian Guo, Yang Li, Jean Jiang, Chen Dong, Sidan Du, Li Tan,Sparse Modeling of Nonlinear Secondary Path for Nonlinear Active Noise Control,IEEE Transaction on Instrument & Measurement,2018; 67(3): 482-496.

  • Su T, Zhou Y, Yu Y, Cao X, Du S, Illomination Separation of Non-Lambertian Scenes from a Singel Hyperspectral Image, Optics Express,vol 26(20), pp26167-26178, 2018

  • Guo X, Jiang J,Tan L, Du S, Improved Adaptive Recursive Even Mirror Fourier Nonliner Filter for Active Noise Control; Applied Acoustics, 2019, 146: 310-319

  • Li M, Chen XD, Peng CL, Du SD, Li Y, Modeling the Occlusion Problem in the emal to allow seeing through mist and foliage, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol 36 No 2, Feb 2019, ppA67-A76

  • Dong C, Ding Y, Tan LZ, Du SD, Diagonal Structure Adaptive Bilinear Filter for Multichannel Active Noise Control of Nonlinear Noise Process, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol 143, Sept 2020,106703,pp1-14

  • Guo X, Jiang J, Tan LZ, Du SD,BIBO-stable Implementation of Adaptive Function Expansion Bilinear Filter for Nonlinear Active Noise Control, Applied Acoustic, 168(2020),107407

  • Xueqian Jing, Ming Li, Chenglei Peng, Sidan DU, Yang Li, Depth-based Removal of the Thermal Reflection with the Light Field Theory, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol 38, 1594-1602 (2021)

  • Zhibo Yan, Guoyong Gu, Kanglian Zhao,AQi Wang, Gang Li,Xin Nie, Hong Yang , SIdan Du, Integer Linear Programming Based Topology Disgn for GNss's with Inte-Satelite Links, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol 10, Issue 2, pp286-290,Feb 2021

  • Ming Li, Xuejiao Hu, Jingzhao Dai, Yang Li, Sidan Du, Omnidirectional Stereo Depth Estimation based on Spherical Deep Network, Image and Vision Computing, vol 114, p10426, 2021/10/1

  • Jie Wang, Chenglei Peng, Ming Li, Xudong Chen, Yang Li, Sidan Du, The Study of Stereo Matching Optimization Based on Multi-baseline Trinocular Model, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Feb 2022,81:12961-12972

  • Xuejiao Hu, JingzhaMing Li, Chenglei Peng, Yang Li, Sidan Du, Online human Action Detection and Anticipation in Videos: A Survey, Journal Neuro computing, vol 491, 28 June 2022,pp395-413

  • Ming Li, Xueqian Jing, Xuejiao Hu, Jingzhao Dai, Sidan Du, Yang Li,MODE: Multi-view Omnidirectional Depth Estiimation with 360* Camaras, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2022), vol 13693, pp197-213

  • Sheng Liu, Jianghai Shuai, Yang Li, Sidan Du, MMDA: Multi-person Marginal Distribution Awareness for Monocular 3D pose estimation, IET Imaging Processing, vol 17, issue 7, pp2182-2191, (2023.9)

  • Jingzhao Dai, Ming Li,Xuejiao Hu, Yang Li, Sidan Du, GazeFollowTR: A Method of Gaze Following with Reborn Mechaniam, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol E106-A, No 6, pp938-946, June 2023

  • Yunzhou Sun, Yifang Xu, Zien Xie, Yukun Shu,Sidan Du, GPTSee: Enhancing Moment Retrieval and Highlight Detection via Description Bsed Similarity Features, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol 30, 2023.12

  • Yuqing Liang ,Chunlei Wang, Yao Yu, Yu Zhou, Sidan Du, 3D Spine Model Reconstrution Based on RGBD Images of Unclothed Back Surface, IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engingeering, vol 71, pp270-281, issue 1, Jan 2024

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