微电子与光电子学系 教授、博导
![]() 刘斌微电子与光电子学系 教授、博导 |
刘斌,本科毕业于中山大学理工学院,博士毕业于港澳宝典资料大全物理系微电子与固体电子学专业,其博士论文获得全国优秀博士论文提名奖,曾在英国谢菲尔德大学III-V族半导体国家研究中心、瑞典皇家工学院(KTH)、美国耶鲁大学,香港中文大学等访问研究,现任港澳宝典资料大全电子学院教授、博导,入选国家高层次人才计划、曾入选青长与优青,兼任教育部光电材料与芯片技术工程中心主任、港澳宝典资料大全国家级集成电路产教融合创新平台副主任,任科技部重点研发计划首席科学家,国家重大专项工程产品专家。主要研究领域为III族氮化物半导体材料与器件,Micro-LED新型显示技术,近年专注于氮化镓基Micro-LED材料生长、器件制备与机理研究,与华为、天马微电子等龙头企业合作开发高密度车载用Micro-LED芯片,量子点集成全色Micro-LED器件。主持国家重点研发专项项目与课题,国家自然科学基金委面上项目,江苏省前沿引领技术项目等12项,参加国家自然科学基金创新群体项目,科技部“973”、“863”计划等项目,成果发表于Nature Nanotechnology, Adv. Mater., Adv. Func. Mater.,IEEE EDL/T-ED/PTL等学术期刊,共计发表论文250余篇,申请/授权发明专利80余项,其中9项专利转让/许可,参编专著5部/章节;获国家教学成果二等奖1项,省部级科技成果奖3项。 研究方向
1.宽带隙半导体材料及异质结构;2.III族氮化物半导体光电子器件;3.半导体固态照明与Micro-LED显示技术;4.Si与III-V族电子与光电子集成技术 主要课程
本科生:《半导体物理与器件》、《半导体物理》、《科学之光》系列通识课程、《电子工程创新国际云科考课程》 代表成果
143. Investigation of Ohmic contact to plasma-etched n-Al0.5Ga0.5N by surface treatment, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 卷: 39, 期: 6, 文献号: 065001, 出版年: 2024 (共同通讯作者) 142. High-Performance Solar-Blind Photodetector Based on (010)-Plane β-Ga2O3 Thermally Oxidized from Nonpolar (110)-Plane GaN, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 卷: 16, 期: 16, 页: 20794-20802, 出版年: 2024(共同通讯作者) 140. Anisotropic structural and optical properties of semi-polar (20-21) InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells grown on patterned sapphire substrates, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 卷: 39, 期: 3, 文献号: 035001, 出版年: 2024(共同通讯作者) 139. Ultra-Small Size Micro-LEDs With Enhanced Efficiency for Near-Eye Display, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 卷: 45, 期: 7, 页: 1241-1244, 出版年: 2024(共同通讯作者) 138. Analysis of the mechanisms by which sputtered AlN nucleation layers enhance the performance of red InGaN-based LEDs, Optics Express, 卷: 32, 期: 17, 页: 29474-29482,出版年: 2024 137. High-temperature performance of InGaN-based amber micro-light-emitting diodes using an epitaxial tunnel junction contact, Applied Physics Letters, 卷: 124, 期: 14, 文献号: 142103, 出版年: 2024(共同通讯作者) 136. Optimizing Al Composition in Barriers for InGaN Amber Micro-LEDs With High Wall-Plug Efficiency, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 卷: 45, 期: 1, 页:76-79, 出版年: 2024(共同通讯作者) 135. Enhanced Resonant Energy Transfer by Decorating Au Nanoparticles on the Sidewalls of InGaN Multiple-Quantum-Well Nanorods, Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters, 卷: 18, 期: 7, 文献号: 2200145, 出版年: 2024(共同通讯作者) 134. Impact of ITO layer on the spatial optical distribution of semipolar (20-21) InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells with surface morphology, Applied Optics, 卷: 63, 期: 1, 页: 299-304, 出版年: 2024 133. GaN-Based Freestanding Micro-LEDs With GHz Bandwidth and Low Efficiency Droop for Visible Light Communication, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 卷: 71, 期: 11, 页: 6826-6830, 出版年: 2024(共同通讯作者) 132. Monolithic Integration of GaN-Based Transistors and Micro-LED, Nanomaterials, 卷: 14, 期: 6, 文献号: 511, 出版年: 2024 131. Monolithic full-color micro-LED displays featuring three-dimensional chip bonding and quantum dot-based color conversion layer, Optics Express, 卷: 32, 期: 16, 页: 27662-27669, 出版年: 2024 130. Self-powered MXene/GaN van der Waals Schottky ultraviolet photodetectors with exceptional responsivity and stability, Applied Physics Reviews, 卷: 11, 期: 4, 文献号: 041413, 出版年: 2024(共同通讯作者) 129. β-Ga2O3 nanotube arrays for high-performance self-powered ultraviolet photoelectrochemical photodetectors, Nanotechnology, 卷: 35, 期: 17, 文献号: 175205, 出版年: 2024 128. Ultrahigh Sensitivity Solar-Blind UV Detection via Multistage-Concentric-Annulus Architecture Metasurface, Advanced Optical Materials, 卷: 12, 期: 2, 文献号: 2301333, 出版年: 2024 127. P‐11.2: Study on the Optical Compensation Improvement Effect of Micro LEDs at Various Brightness Levels, SID Symposium Digest of Technical, 卷: 55, 页: 1291-1294, 出版年: 2024(共同通讯作者) 126. Heteroepitaxial Growth of Nonpolar (1120)-Plane GaN Film via Composite Buffer Layer for the Promising Nonpolar GaN-based Devices, BP International, 出版年: 2024 125. Improved Optical and Electrical Characteristics of GaN-Based Micro-LEDs by Optimized Sidewall Passivation, Micromachines, 卷: 14, 期: 1, 文献号: 10, 出版年: 2023(共同通讯作者) 124. Effects of Buffer Layer on Structural Properties of Nonpolar (11-20)-Plane GaN Film, Crystals, 卷: 13, 期: 7, 文献号: 1145, 出版年: 2023 123. Spatial distribution of optical intensity of overgrown semi-polar (20-21) InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells dominated by surface morphology, AIP Advances, 卷: 13, 期: 6, 文献号: 065020, 出版年: 2023 122. Demonstration of Weak Polarization Electric Field III-N LEDs based on Polar Plane, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 卷: 17, 期: 10, 文献号: 出版年: 2023 121. Dominant Mechanism of GaN-Based Single Contact Micro-LED Driven by AC Power, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 卷: 44, 期: 3, 页: 468-471, 出版年: 2023(共同通讯作者) 120. Gallium Nitride Blue/Green Micro-LEDs for High Brightness and Transparency Display, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 卷: 44, 期: 2, 页: 281-284, 出版年: 2023(共同通讯作者) 119. Optimized InGaN/GaN Quantum Structure for High-Efficiency Micro-LEDs Displays With Low Current Injection, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 卷: 70, 期: 8, 页: 4257-4263,出版年: 2023(共同通讯作者) 118. Wafer-Scale Monolithic Integration of Blue Micro-Light-Emitting Diodes and Green/Red Quantum Dots for Full-Color Displays, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 卷: 44, 期: 8, 页: 1320-1323, 出版年: 2023(共同通讯作者) 117. High Bandwidth Semi-Polar InGaN/GaN Micro-LEDs With Low Current Injection for Visible Light Communication, IEEE Photonics Journal, 卷: 15, 期: 1, 文献号: 7300704, 出版年: 2023(共同通讯作者) 116. Achieving InGaN-Based Red Light-Emitting Diodes by Increasing the Growth Pressure of Quantum Wells, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 卷: 35, 期: 24, 页: 1439-1442, 出版年: 2023 115. Structural designs of AlGaN/GaN nanowire-based photoelectrochemical photodetectors: carrier transport regulation in GaN segment as current flow hub, Advanced Photonics Nexus, 卷: 2, 期: 3, 文献号: 036003, 出版年: 2023 114. High density polarization-induced 2D hole gas enabled by elevating Al composition in GaN/AlGaN heterostructures, Applied Physics Letters, 卷: 122, 期: 14, 文献号: 142102, 出版年: 2023 113. Monolithic Integration of GaN-Based Green Micro-LED and Quasi-Vertical MOSFET Utilizing a Hybrid Tunnel Junction, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 卷: 44, 期: 7, 页: 1156-1159, 出版年: 2023(共同通讯作者) 112. A Simulation of Thermal Management Using a Diamond Substrate with Nanostructures, Micromachines, 卷: 14, 期: 8, 文献号: 1559, 出版年: 2023(共同通讯作者) 32.The micro-LED roadmap: status quo and prospects, Journal of Physics-Photonics, 卷: 5, 期: 4, 文献号: 042502, 出版年: 2023 111. GaN-Based Cascade Micro Light-Emitting Diode in Parallel and Series Arrays for Visible Light Communication, IEEE Photonics Journal, 卷: 15, 期: 3, 文献号: 8200604, 出版年: 2023(共同通讯作者) 110. H-Terminated Diamond MOSFETs on High-Quality Diamond Film Grown by MPCVD, Crystals, 卷: 13, 期: 8, 文献号: 1221, 出版年: 2023(共同通讯作者) 109. Wafer-scale emission uniformity of InGaN-based red light-emitting diodes on an in situ InGaN decomposition template, Applied Physics Letters, 卷: 123, 期: 11, 文献号: 111107, 出版年: 2023 108. Investigation of highly reflective p-electrodes for AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes, Optics Express, 卷: 31, 期: 24, 页: 39747-39756, 出版年: 2023(共同通讯作者) 107. Effects of Mg-doping temperature on the structural and electrical properties of nonpolar a-plane p-type GaN films, Chinese Physics B, 卷: 33, 期: 1, 文献号: 016801, 出版年: 2023(共同通讯作者) 106. High-speed growth of high-quality polycrystalline diamond films by MPCVD, Carbon Letters, 卷: 33, 期: 7,页: 2003-2010, 出版年: 2023(共同通讯作者) 105. Observation of photoelectric-induced microplasma avalanche breakdown in AlGaN ultraviolet photodiode with separate absorption and multiplication structure, Applied Physics Letters, 卷: 123, 期: 12, 文献号: 121109, 出版年: 2023 104. Epitaxial Growth and Characteristics of Nonpolar a-Plane InGaN Films with Blue-Green-Red Emission and Entire In Content Range, Chinese Physics Letters, 卷: 39, 期: 4, 文献号: 048101, 出版年: 2022(共同通讯作者) 103. AlGaN Quantum Disk Nanorods with Efficient UV-B Emission Grown on Si(111) Using Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Nanomaterials, 卷: 12, 期: 14, 文献号: 2508, 出版年: 2022(共同通讯作者) 102. High Power Figure-of-Merit, 10.6-kV AlGaN/GaN Lateral Schottky Barrier Diode with Single Channel and Sub-100-μm Anode-to-Cathode Spacing, Small, 卷: 18, 期: 37, 文献号: 2107301, 出版年: 2022 101. C-Plane Blue Micro-LED With 1.53 GHz Bandwidth for High-Speed Visible Light Communication, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 卷: 43, 期: 6,页: 910-913, 出版年: 2022(共同通讯作者) 100. Evaluation on Temperature-Dependent Transient VT Instability in p-GaN Gate HEMTs under Negative Gate Stress by Fast Sweeping Characterization, Micromachines, 卷: 13, 期: 7, 文献号: 1096, 出版年: 2022 99. High-Responsivity and Fast-Response Ultraviolet Phototransistors Based on Enhanced p-GaN/AlGaN/GaN HEMTs, ACS Photonics, 卷: 9, 期: 6,页: 2040-2045, 出版年: 2022 98. Cascade GaN-based micro-photodiodes for photonic integration, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 卷: 55, 期: 40, 文献号: 404004, 出版年: 2022(共同通讯作者) 97. Step-flow growth of Al droplet free AlN epilayers grown by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 卷: 55, 期: 36, 文献号: 364002, 出版年: 2022 96. Achieving Record High External Quantum Efficiency >86.7% in Solar-Blind Photoelectrochemical Photodetection, Advanced Functional Materials, 卷: 32, 期: 28, 文献号: 2201604, 出版年: 2022 95. InGaN/GaN Nanorod Arrays for a Hybrid Nanolaser, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 卷: 5, 期: 11,页: 16971–16977, 出版年: 2022(共同通讯作者) 94. High-rate growth of single-crystal diamond with an atomically flat surface by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition, Thin Solid Films, 卷: 763, 文献号: 139571, 出版年: 2022(共同通讯作者) 93. Low-temperature characteristics and gate leakage mechanisms of LPCVD-SiNx/AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMTs, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 卷: 55, 期: 42, 文献号: 424002, 出版年: 2022 92. Single-Step Electron Beam Evaporation for Schottky/Ohmic Drain in GaN-on-Si HEMTs Fabrication, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 卷: 43, 期: 12, 页: 2049-2052, 出版年: 2022 91. Self-Powered Solar-Blind Photodetectors Based on Vertically Aligned GaN@Ga2O3 Core-Shell Nanowire Arrays, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 卷: 5, 期: 10, 页: 14470-14477, 出版年: 2022 90. Ordered GaN Nanorod Arrays for Self-Powered Photoelectrochemical Ultraviolet Photodetectors, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 卷: 5, 期: 9, 页: 13149-13157, 出版年: 2022(共同通讯作者) 89. Low-level controllable blue LEDs irradiation enhances human dental pulp stem cells osteogenic differentiation via transient receptor potential vanilloid 1, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B-Biology, 卷: 233, 文献号: 112472, 出版年: 2022 88. Self-Assembly Nanopillar/Superlattice Hierarchical Structure: Boosting AlGaN Crystalline Quality and Achieving High- Performance Ultraviolet Avalanche Photodetector, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 卷: 14, 期: 29, 页: 33525-33537, 出版年: 2022 2021 87. Fabrication of InGaN/GaN‐based nano‐LEDs for display applications, SID Symposium Digest of Technical (46.4), 卷: 52, 页: 568-568, 出版年: 2021(第一作者、通讯作者) 86. Influence of plasmonic resonant wavelength on energy transfer from an InGaN quantum well to quantum dots, Applied Physics Letters, 卷: 118, 期: 20, 文献号: 202103, 出版年: 2021(共同通讯作者) 85. Growth and nitridation of β-Ga2O3 thin films by Sol-Gel spin-coating epitaxy with post-annealing process, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 卷: 100, 期: 1, 页: 183-191, 出版年: 2021 84. Low-threshold lasing in a plasmonic laser using nanoplate InGaN/GaN, Journal of Semiconductors, 卷: 42, 期: 12, 文献号: 122803, 出版年: 2021 83. High Performance Wide Angle DBR Design for Optoelectronic Devices, IEEE Photonics Journal, 卷: 13, 期: 1, 文献号: 8200206, 出版年: 2021(共同通讯作者) 82. High quality CVD single crystal diamonds grown on nanorods patterned diamond seed, Diamond and Related Materials, 卷: 119, 文献号: 108605, 出版年: 2021(共同通讯作者) 81. 1.26 W/mm Output Power Density at 10 GHz for Si3N4 Passivated H-Terminated Diamond MOSFETs, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 卷: 68, 期: 10, 页: 5068-5072, 出版年: 2021 80. Investigations of Sidewall Passivation Technology on the Optical Performance for Smaller Size GaN-Based Micro-LEDs, Crystals, 卷: 11, 期: 4, 文献号: 403, 出版年: 2021(共同通讯作者) 79. Study of β-Ga2O3 films hetero-epitaxially grown on off-angled sapphire substrates by halide vapor phase epitaxy, Materials Letters, 卷: 289, 文献号: 129411, 出版年: 2021 78. 2.7-kV AlGaN/GaN Schottky barrier diode on silicon substrate with recessed-anode structure, Solid-State Electronics, 卷: 175, 文献号: 107953, 出版年: 2021 77. 3.4-kV AlGaN/GaN Schottky Barrier Diode on Silicon Substrate With Engineered Anode Structure, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 卷: 42, 期: 2, 页: 208-211, 出版年: 2021 76. High-efficiency green micro-LEDs with GaN tunnel junctions grown hybrid by PA-MBE and MOCVD, Photonics Research, 卷: 9, 期: 9, 页: 1683-1688, 出版年: 2021(通讯作者) 75. Three-dimensional monolithic micro-LED display driven by atomically thin transistor matrix, Nature Nanotechnology, 卷: 16, 期: 11,页:1231-+, 文献号: 出版年: 2021(共同通讯作者) 74. Monolithic 3D μ-LED displays through BEOL integration of large-area MoS2 TFT matrix, IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 出版年: 2021(共同通讯作者) 73. Plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy growth mechanism of AlGaN epilayers and strain relaxation on AlN templates, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 卷: 60, 期: 7, 文献号: 075504, 出版年: 2021(共同通讯作者) 72. Pure-phase κ-Ga2O3 layers grown on c-plane sapphire by halide vapor phase epitaxy, Superlattices and Microstructures, 卷: 152, 文献号: 106845, 出版年: 2021 71. Band Alignment and Enhanced Interfacial Conductivity Manipulated by Polarization in a Surfactant-Mediated Grown κ-Ga2O3/In2O3 Heterostructure, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 卷: 3, 期: 2,页: 795-803, 出版年: 2021 70. NiO/AlGaN interface reconstruction and transport manipulation of p-NiO gated AlGaN/GaN HEMTs, Applied Physics Reviews, 卷: 8, 期: 4, 文献号: 041405, 出版年: 2021 69. Recent developments of quantum dot based micro-LED based on non-radiative energy transfer mechanism, Opto-Electronic Advances, 卷: 4, 期: 4, 文献号: 210022, 出版年: 2021 68. A Selective Etching Route for Large-Scale Fabrication of β-Ga2O3 Micro-/Nanotube Arrays, Nanomaterials, 卷: 11, 期: 12, 文献号: 3327, 出版年: 2021 67. Progress on AlGaN-based solar-blind ultraviolet photodetectors and focal plane arrays, Light-Science & Applications, 卷: 10, 期: 1, 文献号: 244, 出版年: 2021 66. A room-temperature NO2 gas sensor based on CuO nanoflakes modified with rGO nanosheets, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 卷: 337, 文献号: 129783, 出版年: 2021 65. Hydrogen gas sensor based on SnO2 nanospheres modified with Sb2O3 prepared by one-step solvothermal route, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 卷: 331, 文献号: 129441, 出版年: 2021 64. Facile synthesis of mesoporous CdS/PbS/SnO2 composites for high-selectivity H2 gas sensor, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 卷: 340, 文献号: 129924, 出版年: 2021 63. Surface plasmon coupling regulated CsPbBr3 perovskite lasers in a metal-insulator-semiconductor structure, RSC ADVANCES, 卷: 11, 期: 59, 页: 37218-37224, 出版年: 2021(通讯作者) 2015-2020 62. Semi-polar (20-21) InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells grown on patterned sapphire substrate with internal quantum efficiency up to 52 per cent/ APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS卷: 13期: 9 文献号: 091002 出版年: 2020 (通讯作者,Compound Semiconductor报道) 61.The optimization of surface plasmon coupling efficiency in InGaN/GaN nanowire based nanolasers/APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS 卷: 13 期: 8 文献号: 085001 出版年: 2020 (通讯作者,APEX Latest Spotlights) 60. Band Alignment and Interface Recombination in NiO/beta-Ga2O3 Type-II p-n Heterojunctions/IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES 卷: 67 期: 8 页: 3341-3347 出版年: 2020 59. Hybrid Light Emitters and UV Solar-Blind Avalanche Photodiodes based on III-Nitride Semiconductors/ADVANCED MATERIALS 卷: 32 期: 27 文献号: 1904354 出版年: 2020 (第一作者) 58. Epsilon-Ga2O3: A Promising Candidate for High-electron-Mobility Transistors/IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS 卷: 41期: 7页: 1052-1055出版年: 2020 57.Charge Transport in Vertical GaN Schottky Barrier Diodes: A Refined Physical Model for Conductive Dislocations/IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES 卷: 67 期: 3 页: 841-846 出版年: 2020 (通讯作者) 56.High-Performance Semi-Polar InGaN/GaN Green Micro Light-Emitting Diodes/IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL 卷: 12 期: 1 出版年: 2020 (通讯作者) 55. Plasmon-enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting by InGaN/GaN nano-photoanodes/ SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 卷: 35 期: 2 文献号: 025017 出版年: 2020 (通讯作者) 54. The influence of an AlN seeding layer on nucleation of self-assembled GaN nanowires on silicon substrates/ NANOTECHNOLOGY 卷: 31期: 4 文献号: 045604 出版年: 2020 (通讯作者) 53. Improvement of the interfaces in AlGaN/AlN superlattice grown by NH3 flow-rate modulation epitaxy/ APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS 卷: 13 期: 1 文献号: 015511 出版年: 2020 (通讯作者) 52. Improved Performance of Hybrid Organic/Inorganic p-n Heterojunction White Light-Emitting Diodes with 4,4 '-Cyclohexane-1,1-diylbis[N,N-bis(4-methylphenyl)aniline] as a Multifunctional Hole Transport Layer/PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE 卷: 217 期: 7 特刊: SI 文献号: 1900763 出版年: 2020 (通讯作者,封面高亮论文) 51. Electron-Beam-Driven III-Nitride Plasmonic Nanolasers in the Deep-UV and Visible Region/SMALL 卷: 16 期: 1 文献号: 1906205 出版年: 2020 (通讯作者,封面高亮论文—Small十周年推荐论文) 50. Synthesis and Properties of InGaN/GaN Multiple Quantum Well Nanowires on Si (111) by Molecular Beam Epitaxy/PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE 卷: 217 期: 7 特刊: SI 文献号: 1900729 出版年: 2020 (通讯作者,封面高亮论文) 49. Fabrication and Characterization of GaN-Based Micro-LEDs on Silicon Substrate/CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 36 期: 8 文献号: 088501 出版年: 2019(通讯作者) 48. A High-Performance SiO2/SiNx 1-D Photonic Crystal UV Filter Used for Solar-Blind Photodetectors /IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL 卷: 11 期: 4 文献号: 2201007 出版年: 2019 47. Observation and Modeling of Leakage Current in AlGaN Ultraviolet Light Emitting Diodes/ IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 卷: 31 期: 21 页: 1697-1700 出版年: 2019 (通讯作者) 46. Electrically Injected Hybrid Organic/Inorganic III-Nitride White Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Rubrene/(InGaN/GaN) Multiple-Quantum-Wells P-N Junction/IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL 卷: 11 期: 4 文献号: 8200808 出版年: 2019 (通讯作者) 45. Single-crystal GaN layer converted from beta-Ga2O3 films and its application for free-standing GaN/ CRYSTENGCOMM 卷: 21 期: 8 页: 1224-1230 出版年: 2019 44. Homo-epitaxial growth of high crystal quality GaN thin films by plasma assisted-molecular beam epitaxy/ JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 卷: 506 页: 30-35 出版年: 2019 (通讯作者) 43. Hybrid Cyan Nitride/Red Phosphors White Light-Emitting Diodes With Micro-Hole Structures/IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL 卷: 10 期: 5 文献号: 8201608 出版年: 2018 (通讯作者) 42. Influence of high Mg doping on the microstructural and optoelectrical properties of AlGaN alloys/ SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES 卷: 119 页: 150-156 出版年: 2018 (通讯作者) 41. Enhanced p-type conduction in AlGaN grown by metal-source flow-rate modulation epitaxy/ APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 113 期: 7 文献号: 072107 出版年: 2018 (通讯作者) 40. Tunneling-Hopping Transport Model for Reverse Leakage Current in InGaN/GaN Blue Light-Emitting Diodes/ IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 卷: 29 期: 17 页: 1447-1450 出版年: 2017 39. Fabrication of AI GaN nanorods with different AI compositions for emission enhancement in UV range/ NANOTECHNOLOGY 卷: 28 期: 38 文献号: 385205 出版年: 2017 (通讯作者) 38. Manipulable and Hybridized, Ultralow-Threshold Lasing in a Plasmonic Laser Using Elliptical InGaN/GaN Nanorods/ ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 卷: 27 期: 37 文献号: 1703198 出版年: 2017 (通讯作者,封面高亮论文) 37. Study of LED Thermal Resistance and TIM Evaluation Using LEDs With Built-in Sensor/ IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 卷: 29 期: 21 页: 1856-1859 出版年: 2017 36. Polarized Emission From InGaN/GaN Single Nanorod Light-Emitting Diode/ IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 卷: 28 期: 7 页: 721-724 出版年: 2016 (通讯作者) 35. Design and fabrication of UV band-pass filters based on SiO2/Si3N4 dielectric distributed bragg reflectors/ APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 卷: 364 页: 886-891 出版年: 2016 (通讯作者) 34. Great enhancement in the excitonic recombination and light extraction of highly ordered InGaN/GaN elliptic nanorod arrays on a wafer scale/ NANOTECHNOLOGY 卷: 27 期: 1 文献号: 015301 出版年: 2016 (通讯作者,封面高亮论文) 33. High Color Rendering Index Hybrid III-Nitride/Nanocrystals White Light-Emitting Diodes/ ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 卷: 26 期: 1 页: 36-43 出版年: 2016(通讯作者,封面高亮论文) 32. Reverse leakage current characteristics of GaN/InGaN multiple quantum-wells blue and green light-emitting diodes/ IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL 卷: 8 期: 5 文献号: 1601606 出版年: 2016 (通讯作者) 31. Significant improvements in InGaN/GaN nano-photoelectrodes for hydrogen generation by structure and polarization optimization/ SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 卷: 6 文献号: 20218 出版年: 2016(通讯作者) 30. AlGaN-Based Multiple Quantum Well Deep Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes With Polarization Doping/ IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL 卷: 8 期: 1 文献号: 1600207 出版年: 2016 29. Single nanowire green InGaN/GaN light emitting diodes/ NANOTECHNOLOGY 卷: 27 期: 43 文献号: 435205 出版年: 2016 (通讯作者) 28. Improvement of color conversion and efficiency droop in hybrid light-emitting diodes utilizing an efficient non-radiative resonant energy transfer/ APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 109 期: 14 文献号: 141105 出版年: 2016 (通讯作者) 27. In-Situ Measurement of Junction Temperature and Light Intensity of Light Emitting Diodes With an Internal Sensor Unit/IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS 卷: 36 期: 10 页: 1082-1084 出版年: 2015 26. Investigation of surface-plasmon coupled red light emitting InGaN/GaN multi-quantum well with Ag nanostructures coated on GaN surface/JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 卷: 117 期: 15 文献号: 153103 出版年: 2015 (通讯作者) 25. Optical polarization characteristics of c-plane InGaN/GaN asymmetric nanostructures/ JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 卷: 118 期: 23 文献号: 233111 出版年: 2015 (通讯作者) 24. Asymmetric tunneling model of forward leakage current in GaN/InGaN light emitting diodes/AIP ADVANCES 卷: 5 期: 8 文献号: 087151 出版年: 2015 (通讯作者) 23. Enhanced opto-electrical properties of graphene electrode InGaN/GaN LEDs with a NiOx inter-layer/SOLID-STATE ELECTRONICS 卷: 109 页: 47-51 出版年: 2015 (通讯作者) 22. Enhanced non-radiative energy transfer in hybrid III-nitride structures/APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 107 期: 12 文献号: 121108 出版年: 2015 2015以前 21. Effect of the band structure of InGaN/GaN quantum well on the surface plasmon enhanced light-emitting diodes/JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 卷: 116 期: 1 文献号: 013101 出版年: 2014 (通讯作者) 20. Temporally and spatially resolved photoluminescence investigation of (11(2)over-bar2) semi-polar InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells grown on nanorod templates/APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 105 期: 26 文献号: 261103 出版年: 2014 (第一作者) 19. Large-scale fabrication and luminescence properties of GaN nanostructures by a soft UV-curing nanoimprint lithography/NANOTECHNOLOGY 卷: 24 期: 40 文献号: 405303 出版年: 2013 (通讯作者,封面高亮论文) 18. Exploitation of Polarization in Back-Illuminated AlGaN Avalanche Photodiodes/IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 卷: 25 期: 15 页: 1510-1513 出版年: 2013 (通讯作者) 17. Great emission enhancement and excitonic recombination dynamics of InGaN/GaN nanorod structures/APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 103 期: 10 文献号: 101108 出版年: 2013 (第一作者) 16. Hybrid III-Nitride/Organic Semiconductor Nanostructure with High Efficiency Nonradiative Energy Transfer for White Light Emitters/NANO LETTERS 卷: 13 期: 7 页: 3042-3047 出版年: 2013 15. Improvements in Microstructure and Leakage Current of High-In-Content InGaN p-i-n Structure by Annealing/IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 卷: 24 期: 17 页: 1478-1480 出版年: 2012 (通讯作者) 14. Magnetic and electrical properties of epsilon-Fe3N on c-plane GaN/JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 卷: 45 期: 31 文献号: 315002 出版年: 2012 (通讯作者) 13. Composition pulling effect and strain relief mechanism in AlGaN/AlN distributed Bragg reflectors/APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 98 期: 26 文献号: 261916 出版年: 2011 (第一作者) 12. Electron concentration dependence of exciton localization and freeze-out at local potential fluctuations in InN films/APPLIED PHYSICS A 卷: 99 期: 1 页: 139-143 出版年: 2010 (第一作者) 11. Polarization and temperature dependence of photoluminescence of m-plane GaN grown on gamma-LiAlO2 (100) substrate/APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 95 期: 6 文献号: 061905 出版年: 2009 (第一作者) 10. Improved Performances of InGaN Schottky Photodetectors by Inducing a Thin Insulator Layer and Mesa Process/IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS 卷: 30 期: 6 页: 605-607 出版年: 2009 9. Design and Fabrication of AlGaN-Based Resonant-Cavity-Enhanced p-i-n UV PDs/ IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS 卷: 45 期: 5-6 页: 575-578 出版年: 2009 8. Al incorporation, structural and optical properties of AlxGa1-xN (0.13 <= x <= 0.8) alloys grown by MOCVD/ JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 卷: 310 期: 21 页: 4499-4502 出版年: 2008 (第一作者) 7. Microstructure and dislocation of epitaxial InN films revealed by high resolution x-ray diffraction/JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 卷: 103 期: 2 文献号: 023504 出版年: 2008 (第一作者) 6. Anisotropic crystallographic properties, strain, and their effects on band structure of m-plane GaN on LiAlO2(100)/ APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 92 期: 26 文献号: 261906 出版年: 2008 (第一作者) 5. Two-step growth of m-plane GaN epilayer on LiAlO2 (100) by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition/JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 卷: 298 特刊: SI 页: 228-231 出版年: 2007 4. The template effects on AlN/Al0.3Ga0.7N distributed Bragg reflectors grown by MOCVD/JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 卷: 298 特刊: SI 页: 357-360 出版年: 2007 (第一作者) 3. The high mobility InN film grown by MOCVD with GaN buffer layer/JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 卷: 298 特刊: SI 页: 409-412 出版年: 2007 2. Nonpolar m-plane thin film GaN and InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes on LiAlO2(100) substrates/APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 91 期: 25 文献号: 253506 出版年: 2007 (第一作者) 1. Comment on Radiative and nonradiative recombination process in InN films grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition / APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 87 期: 17 文献号: 176101 出版年: 2005 (第一作者) |