
电子工程系 博导

1999.9-2003.6   港澳宝典资料大全电子工程系,学士
2004.9-2009.6   港澳宝典资料大全电子工程系,硕博连读
2009.7-2011.12  港澳宝典资料大全电子学院,电子工程系,任教

2011.12-2018.12 港澳宝典资料大全电子学院,电子工程系,副教授

2018.12-至今    港澳宝典资料大全电子学院,电子工程系,教授、博导

2014.1-2015.1   Queen Mary University of London, EECS,访问学者









数字系统 I (原数字电路)






Kun Duan, Ke Chen, Tian Jiang, Junming Zhao*, Yijun Feng, “Non-interleaved Bidirectional Metasurface for Spatial Energy Allocation,IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (Early Access) 20 June 2024 DOI:10.1109/TAP.2024.3414676

Junzhe Ni, Wenbo Zhao, Xiaoyu Pang, Shenghui Zhao, Kun Duan, Jiahao Wang, Xiangrui Zhang, Tian Jiang, Ke Chen, Junming Zhao*, and Yijun Feng,“A Fifth-Order X-Band Frequency Selective Surface With High Selectivity and Angular Stability Based on 3-D Coupling Slot,IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation  Vol. 72, NO. 7, 5743-5753, July 2024, DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2024.3414601

Chenxi FanWenbo ZhaoKe ChenJunming Zhao*Tian Jiang*Yijun Feng, Optically Transparent Conformal Reflectarray with Multi-Angle Microwave Efficient Scattering Enhancement,”  Advanced Optical Materials, 06 March 2024, https://doi.org/10.1002/adom.202400151

Kun Duan, Ke Chen, Yilin Zheng, Tian Jiang*, Junming Zhao*, and Yijun Feng, Low-Scattering and Dual-Polarized Reconfigurable Reflectarray Antenna Based on Absorptive and Active Coding Metasurfaces,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation Vol. 72, NO. 3, March 2024, DOI 10.1109/TAP.2024.3356060.

Wenbo Zhao, Chenxi Fan, Junming Zhao*, Tian Jiang, Ke Chen, and Yijun Feng, “Wideband tunable absorber breaking the trade-off between absorption efficiency and tuning range,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol.123, Issue 24, 2023. Editor’s pick

Yin Zhang, Yijun Feng, and Junming Zhao*“Graphene-Enabled Tunable Phase Gradient Metasurface for Broadband Dispersion Manipulation of Terahertz Wave,” Micromachines,14(11): 2006, 2023.

Chenxi Fan, Kun Duan, Ke Chen, Tian Jiang*, Junming Zhao*, and Yijun Feng “Actively tunable rasorber with broadband RCS reduction and low infrared emissivity,” Optics Express Vol. 31, Issue 14, pp. 23294-23308, 2023. Editor’s pick

Zhiwei Sun*, Xianchao Ma, Run Liu, Junming Zhao* and Yijun Feng, “Reflective one-to-multi-polarization conversion via separate control of phase and magnitude,” Optics Express Vol. 31 No. 16, 2023.

Kun Duan, Ke Chen, Tian Jiang, Junming Zhao*, and Yijun Feng,Ultrawideband Frequency Selective Radome Utilizing 2.5-D Lossy Layers,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 22(10): 2427-2431, 2023.

Wenbo Zhao, Tian Jiang*, Yifan Yang, Guangxu Qian, Ke Chen, Junming Zhao*, Yijun Feng, “Ultrawideband Lightweight Absorber Based on Composite Strategy with Active Control of Absorption in the UHF band,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 56, 345104, 2023.

Kaiyue Zhu, Shuyang Hao, Tian Jiang*, Ke Chen, Junming Zhao* andYijun Feng, “Directly drawing metamaterials on paper based on an automatic drawing machine,” Optical Materials Express Vol. 12 No. 11, 2022. Editor’s pick

Zonghuan Wu, Junming Zhao*, Ke Chen and Yijun Feng, “An Active Metamaterial Absorber withUltrawideband Continuious Tunability” IEEE Access, Vol.10, p. 25290, 2022.

Yifan Yang, Wenbo Zhao, Zonghuan Wu, Junming Zhao*, Tian Jiang, Ke Chen, Yijun Feng,Three-dimensional lightweight metamaterial with ultra-wideband microwave absorption.” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol.64, Issue 3, p.500, 2022.

Yin Zhang, Yijun Feng, Junming Zhao*,Graphene-enabled tunable multifunctional metamaterial for dynamical polarization manipulation of broadband terahertz wave.” Carbon, Vol. 163, p. 244, 2020.

Yin Zhang, Yijun Feng, Junming Zhao*,Graphene-enabled active metamaterial for dynamical manipulation of terahertz reflection/transmission/absorption.” Physics Letters A, Vol. 384, Issue 33, p.126840, 2020.

G. Qian, J. Zhao*, X. Ren, K. Chen, T. Jiang, Y. Feng, and Y. Liu, “Switchable Broadband Dual-Polarized Frequency-Selective Rasorber/Absorber,” IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett., Vol.18,no.12, 2019.  

Y. Zheng, K. Chen*, T. Jiang,J. Zhao*, and Y. Feng, “Multi-octave microwave absorption via conformal metamaterial absorber with optical transparency,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 52, no. 33, p.335101, 2019. 

Z. Sun, B. Sima, J. Zhao*, and Y. Feng, “Electromagnetic polarization conversion based on Huygens' metasurfaces with coupled electric and magnetic resonances,” Opt Express, vol. 27, no. 8, pp. 11006-11017, 2019. 

Cheng Wang, Junming Zhao*, Tian Jiang, Yijun Feng, “Design of Millimeter Wave Half-Wave Plate Based on Field Transform”, Chinese Acta Phys. Sin. vol. 67, no. 7, 2018. 物理学报优秀论文

Junming Zhao, Shu Wei, Cheng Wang, Ke Chen, Bo Zhu, Tian Jiang, and Yijun Feng*, Broadband microwave absorption utilizing water-based metamaterial structures, Opt. Express, vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 8522–8531 (2018).

Junming Zhao, BoyuSima, Nan Jia, Cheng Wang, Bo Zhu, Tian and Yijun Feng*, Achieving flexible low-scattering metasurface based on randomly distribution of meta-elements, Opt. Express, Vol.24, Issue 24, 27849 (2016). 

Junming Zhao, Liang Sun, Bo Zhu, and Yijun Feng*, One-way absorber for linearly polarized electromagnetic wave utilizing composite metamaterial, Opt. Express, Vol. 23, Issue 4, pp. 4658-4665 (2015). 

Junming Zhao, Lianhong Zhang, Jensen Li, Yijun Feng*, Amy Dyke, SajadHaq & Yang Hao, A Wide-angle Multi-Octave Broadband Waveplate Based on Field Transformation Approach, Scientific Reports, 17532 (2015). 



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