信息电子学系 博导
![]() 王元庆信息电子学系 博导 |
一、学术兼职 教育部某重点实验室副主任 CSIG“三维成像与显示”专业委员会第二任主任委员 中国图象图形学学会(CSIG)第七届理事 ISO/IEC国际标准工作组专家 全国平板显示器件标准化技术委员会专家 二、研究工作 面向技术产业化的长远目标,致力于从基础研究到应用研究的创新。注重光、电、信息的学科交叉方法,解决交叉学科的学术问题,在主动式立体显示新方法、认知成像雷达新体制等方面取得了显著突破,并进而向应用研究推进。五个“五年计划”内,持续主持多项科研项目,包括科技部、自然基金委、江苏省科技厅等各类纵向科研项目。多项科研项目通过鉴定或验收,其中部分研究成果成功实现批量化生产。例如,完成的某光电设备的研制,打破国际禁运,并迅速广泛推广;完成裸眼立体显示技术的研究,某型裸眼立体视窗为某领域发挥着重要作用、量测级裸眼立体显示系统通过了某领域的环境测试并逐步向应用推广。 三、主要成果 获“**研究先进个人”等荣誉2次,获科技进步奖、创新挑战赛优胜奖、优秀博士学位论文等科教类奖6项。出版著作3部,主持或参与制定国家标准若干项,发表学术论文百余篇(包括Nature、SCI期刊等),授权中国、国际专利百余项(包括美国专利1项)。 研究方向
光场调控与显示技术,激光三维成像雷达 主要课程
本科生《传感器原理》 研究生《科学思维与近代科技史》 代表成果
一、著作 1、《新型传感器原理及应用》,机械工业出版社,2003年 2、《先进传感器》,清华大学出版社,2023年 3、《文明的融合——近代科技简史》,清华大学出版社,2022年 二、论文(摘选) A Free-Space Optical Communication System Based on Bipolar Complementary Pulse Width Modulation. Sensors 2023, 23(18) Autostereoscopic display with bicylindrical lens based on temporal-spatial multiplexing, Chinese Optics Letters, Vol. 20, Issue 3, 033301, 2022 Binocular vision calibration method for a long-wavelength infrared camera and a visible spectrum camera with different resolution,Optics Express, Vol. 29, Issue 3, pp. 3855-3872, 2021 Lidar full-waveform decomposition based on the empirical mode decomposition and Gaussian function model, Measurement Science And Technology, FEB 2020, Vol. 31, No. 2, 025206 Subpixel three-dimensional laser imaging with a downscaled avalanche photodiode array using code division multiple access,Communications Physics,07 January 2019, 1-9 Continuous wavelet transform and iterative decrement algorithm for the Lidar full-waveform echo decomposition, DEC 2019, Vol. 58, No. 34, 9360-9369, Applied Optics Lidar full-waveform decomposition based on empirical mode decomposition and local-Levenberg–Marquard fitting, Vol. 58,No. 29/10October2019, 7943-7949, Applied Optics Pyroelectric infrared sensor with high absorptivity graphene electrodes, Sep 2019, Vol. 58, No. 27, 7466-7471, Applied Optics Adjustable higher SNR and long-range 3D imaging cluster lidar based on coded full waveform technique. 2019, Vol 58, No. 17, 4671-4677, Applied Optics Low-cost, large-visual-field pyroelectric infrared linear device,Applied optics,56 (17) : pp.5023-5027,June, 2017 Low driving voltage ITO doped polymer-dispersed liquid crystal film and reverse voltage pulse driving method,Applied optics,56(29):8159-8163,OCT 10,2017 Low cost and anti-noise infrared device based on saw-tooth thermalisolation structure,Sensor and Actuators A: Physical,Vol. 266,OCT 15, 2017 Modified Levenberg-Marquardt-based optimization method for LiDAR waveform decomposition, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 13, No. 4. April, 2016 Pixel multiplexing technique for real-time 3D-imaging laser detection and ranging system using four linear-mode avalanche photodiodes, Review of Scientific Instruments, MAR, 2016, 87(4): 033112-1–033112-10. Correction of linear-array lidar intensity data using an optimal beam shaping approach, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, August, 2016, 83: 90–98. Long range detection of line-array multi-pulsed coding lidar by combining the Accumulation coherence and Subpixel-energy detection method, 15 Jun 2015,Vol. 23, No. 12, 15174-15185, OPTICS EXPRESS Signal enhancement of a novel multi-address coding lidar backscatters based on a combined technique of demodulation and wavelet de-noising. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2015, 74: 122-129.2. V–L decomposition of a novel full-waveform lidar system based on virtual instrument technique [J]. Chinese Physics B, 2015, 24 (10): 104214 Curvelet Transform Based Adaptive Image Deblocking method.Computers and Electrical Engineering. 2014, 40: 117-129. Diffuse optical tomography based on multiple access coding. Optics Communications, Vol.364, April, 2016. Xing-Yu Yang. Locating the position of objects in non-line-of-sight based on time delay estimation. Chinese Physics B, Vol. 25, No. 8.August, 2016. Enhancement of Weak Lidar Signal Based on Variable Frequency Resolution EMD, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 2016,28(24):2882-2885 Time-multiplexed stereoscopic display with a quantum dot-polymer scanning backlight, Jun 2019, Vol. 58, No. 16, 4526-4532, Applied Optics Wide Color Gamut Autostereoscopic 2D 3D Switchable Display Based on Dynamic Subpixel Arrangement, NOV 2019, Vol 7, 167860-167868, IEEE Access Wide color gamut switchable autostereoscopic 3D display based on directional quantum-dot backlight”, NOV 2019, Vol. 28, No. 12, 124208, Chin. Phys. B Wide Color Gamut Time-Multiplexed Stereoscopic Display Based on Scanning Backlight Unit Utilizing Sectional Light Guide Plates, OCT 2019, Vol 7, 153773-153781, IEEE Access A weighting algorithm based on the gravitational model for local stereo matching, Sep 2019, Signal, Image and Video Processing Outlier removal based on Chauvenet's criterion and dense disparity refinement using least square support vector machine, Apr. 5, 2019, Vol 28, No. 2, 023028, Journal of Electronic Imaging Stable and Refined Style Transfer Using Zigzag Learning Algorithm, Neural Processing Letters, 2019.3, 1370-462 Pyroelectric infrared device with overlap dual capacitor structure sensor. [J] Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Volume 282, 15 October 2018, Pages 192-196 Directional Backlight 3D Display System With Wide-Dynamic-Range View Zone, High Brightness and Switchable 2D/3D, Journal of Display Technology ( Volume: 12 , Issue: 12 , Dec. 2016 ) A face detection and location method based on Feature Binding,Signal Processing: Image Communication,Volume 36, August 2015, Pages 179–189 Multi-User Autostereoscopic 2D/3D Switchable Flat-Panel Display, IEEE Journal of Display Technology, SEPTEMBER.2014, Volume: 10 Issue: 9 page(s): 737-745. The Backlight Control System Aimed at Reducing Crosstalk in Autostereoscopic Displays[J]. 3D Research, 2014, 5(2): 1-10. Robust real-time multi-user pupil detection and tracking under various illumination and large-scale head motion, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol 115, Issue 1 (2011) 1223–1238 |