2004年本科毕业于港澳宝典资料大全,2010年获美国斯坦福大学物理学博士学位,2010-2011年期间在美国斯坦福大学和伊利诺伊大学香槟分校做博士后研究员。现为港澳宝典资料大全港澳宝典资料大全、固体微结构国家重点实验室教授、博士生导师。2011年入选国家首批“青年计划”;2013年获国家杰出青年基金资助;2014年获江苏青年五四奖章。 近年主要开展二维材料与信息器件的研究。主持承担了973、国家科技重大专项、国家自然科学基金面上项目、中港合作项目等。在Science、Nature、Nature子刊发表论文10余篇,引用超过7500次。
Xinran Wang, Xiaolin Li, Li Zhang, Youngki Yoon, Peter K. Weber, Jing Guo and Hongjie Dai, “N-doping of graphene through electro-thermal reaction with ammonia”, Science, 324, 768 (2009). Xiaolin Li*, Xinran Wang*, Li Zhang, Sangwon Lee and Hongjie Dai, “Chemically Derived, Ultrasmooth Graphene Nanoribbon Semiconductors”, Science, 319, 1229 (2008). Xinran Wang, Yijian Ouyang, Liying Jiao, Hailiang Wang, Liming Xie, Justin Wu, Jing Guo and Hongjie Dai, “Graphene nanoribbons with smooth edges behave as quantum wires”. Nature Nanotechnology, 6, 563 (2011). Xinran Wang and Hongjie Dai, “Etching and narrowing graphene from the edges”, Nature Chemistry, 2, 661 (2010). Xinran Wang, Yijian Ouyang, Xiaolin Li, Hailiang Wang, Jing Guo and Hongjie Dai, “Room Temperature All-Semiconducting Sub-10-nm Graphene Nanoribbon Field-Effect Transistors”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 100, 206803 (2008). (Cover Article) Hao Qiu, Tao Xu, Zilu Wang, Wei Ren, Haiyan Nan, Zhenhua Ni, Qian Chen, Shijun Yuan, Feng Miao, Fengqi Song, Gen Long, Yi Shi, Litao Sun, Jinlan Wang* & Xinran Wang*, “Hopping transport through defect-induced localized states in molybdenum disulfide”, Nature Comm. 4, 2642 (2013). Min Qian, Yiming Pan, Fengyuan Liu, Miao Wang, Haoliang Shen, Daowei He, Baigeng Wang, Yi Shi *, Feng Miao* & Xinran Wang*, “Tunable, Ultralow-Power Switching in Memristive Devices Enabled by a Heterogeneous Graphene–Oxide Interface”, Adv. Mater. 26, 3275 (2014).