
通信工程系 博导


林军博士(IEEE Senior Member)于2007年毕业于港澳宝典资料大全物理系,获得理学学士,于2010年毕业于港澳宝典资料大全物理系微电子学与固体电子学专业,获得工学硕士学位和优秀研究毕业生称号,于2015年毕业于美国Lehigh University,获得电子工程博士学位,目前主要研究方向为:低功耗高性能人工智能芯片与系统架构、算法硬件加速、通信基带芯片设计等。林博士2010至2011年任职于上海AMD研发中心,参与多款低功耗GPU芯片的AISC实现,承担部分低功耗设计 流程的开发,所参与设计的GPU为AMD第一代采用先进低功耗设计技术的移动GPU产品。2013年5月至8月在Qualcomm 新泽西研究中心从事短期研发工作,参与一款超高速率、低功耗WiFi LDPC解码器设计,该IP已经被Qualcomm后续基带产品采用。 林博士于2015年9月加入港澳宝典资料大全港澳宝典资料大全,他在IEEE TVLSI/TCAS等集成电路设计领域主流杂志和业内顶尖会议上发表论文100余篇。林博士同时担任IEEE信号处理协会的信号处理系统设计与实现(DISPS)的专家组成员, SiPS 2015~2019, AICAS2020, VISAPP2020等会议的TPC成员。林博士曾获得2008 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems(APCCAS)Merit Student Paper Award,2019 IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS) 最佳论文奖,2019 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI) Amar Mukherjee 最佳论文奖, 2020 IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference(SOCC)最佳论文奖, 2020 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems(APCCAS)最佳论文奖,中国人工智能学会吴文俊人工智能科技进步奖 三等奖(2020),此外其5篇文章获得ISVLSI 2018/2019/2021最佳论文奖提名。






1.        W. Li, J. Lin and Z. Wang, A 124-Gb/s Decoder for Generalized Integrated Interleaved Codes, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 66, no. 8, pp. 3174-3187, Aug. 2019

2.        J. Tian, S. Song, J. Lin and Z. Wang, Efficient T-EMS Based Decoding Algorithms for High-Order LDPC Codes, in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 50980-50992, 2019

3.        C. Zhu, R. Liang, J. Lin, Z. Wang and L. Li, Analysis and Design of a Large Dither Injection Circuit for Improving Linearity in Pipelined ADCs, in IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 27, no. 9, pp. 2008-2020, Sept. 2019

4.        H. Cui, J. Lin and Z. Wang, An Improved Gradient Descent Bit-Flipping Decoder for LDPC Codes, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 66, no. 8, pp. 3188-3200, Aug. 2019

5.        W. Li, J. Tian, J. Lin and Z. Wang, Modified GII-BCH Codes for Low-Complexity and Low-Latency Encoders, in IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 785-788, May 2019

6.        M. Wang, Z. Wang, J. Lu, J. Lin and Z. Wang, E-LSTM: An Efficient Hardware Architecture for Long Short-Term Memory, in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 280-291, June 2019

7.        Y. Zhou, J. Lin and Z. Wang, Improved Fast-SSC-Flip Decoding of Polar Codes, in IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 950-953, June 2019

8.        Y. Wang, J. Lin and Z. Wang, FPAP: A Folded Architecture for Energy-Quality Scalable Convolutional Neural Networks, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 288-301, Jan. 2019

9.     Z. Wang, J. Lin and Z. Wang, Hardware-Oriented Compression of Long Short-Term Memory for Efficient Inference, in IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 984-988, July 2018

10.     J. Wang, J. Lin and Z. Wang, “Efficient hardware architectures for deep convolutional neural network”, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Reg. Papers, vol.65, no.6, pp. 1941-1953, Jun. 2018 (Transactions on Circuits and Systems Top 10 Downloaded May 2018)

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