通信工程系 硕导
![]() 方晖通信工程系 硕导 |
1、语义分析 主要课程
模拟电路, 代表成果
•Xuan Zhen Liu, Hui Fang*. A geometric counting method adaptive to the author number. Journal of Informetrics, 17(2), 101404, 2023. (https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1gyxA6EAik1cth, free before June 12, 2023) •Hui Fang. A modification of citation-based journal indexes. Scientometrics, 128(2), 1119-1132, 2023 •Hui Fang. Analysis of the new scopus CiteScore. Scientometrics, 126(6), 5321-5331, 2021 •Hui Fang. Investigating the journal impact along the columns and rows of the publication-citation matrix. Scientometrics, 125(3), 2265-2282, 2020 •Xuan Zhen Liu, Hui Fang*. A comparison among citation-based journal indicators and their relative changes with time. Journal of Informetrics, 14(1), 101007, 2020 •Hui Fang. A transition stage co-citation criterion for identifying the awakeners of sleeping beauty publications. Scientometrics, 121(1), 307-322, 2019 •Hui Fang. A Discussion of Citations From the Perspective of the Contribution of the Cited Paper to the Citing Paper. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(12), 1513-1520, 2018 •Hui Fang. Normalized Paper Credit Assignment: A Solution for the Ethical Dilemma Induced by Multiple Important Authors. Science and Engineering Ethics, 24(5), 1589-1601, 2018 •Hui Fang. Analysing the variation tendencies of the numbers of yearly citations for sleeping beauties in science by using derivative analysis. Scientometrics, 115(2), 1051-1070, 2018 •Xuan Zhen Liu, Hui Fang*. What we can learn from tweets linking to research papers. Scientometrics, 111(1), 349-369, 2017 •Hui Fang. A Discussion on Governmental Research Grants. Science and Engineering Ethics, 21(5), 1285-1296, 2015 •Hui Fang. An Explanation of Resisted Discoveries Based on Construal-Level Theory. Science and Engineering Ethics, 21(1), 41-50, 2015 •Xuan Zhen Liu, Hui Fang*. The impact of publications from mainland China on the trends in alphabetical authorship. Scientometrics, 99(3), 865-879, 2014 •Xuan Zhen Liu, Hui Fang*. Scientific group leaders' authorship preferences: an empirical investigation. Scientometrics, 98(2), 909-925, 2014 •Hui Fang. Error Analysis of Trigonometric ADC. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science: Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2013, WCECS 2013, 23-25 October, 2013, San Francisco, USA, pp. 662-665 •Xuan Zhen Liu, Hui Fang*. Modifying h-index by allocating credit of multi-authored papers whose author names rank based on contribution. Journal of Informetrics, 6(4), 557-565, 2012 •Xuan Zhen Liu, Hui Fang*. Fairly sharing the credit of multi-authored papers and its application in the modification of h-index and g-index. Scientometrics, 91(1), 37-49, 2012 •Xuan Zhen Liu, Hui Fang*. Peer review and over-competitive research funding fostering mainstream opinion to monopoly II. Scientometrics, 90(2), 607-616, 2012 •Hui Fang. Peer review and over-competitive research funding fostering mainstream opinion to monopoly. Scientometrics, 87(2), 293-301, 2011 •授权专利:直接使用样本特征原始数值的广义相关学习矢量量化方法(ZL201410013367.7),风雨发电系统(ZL201010273054.7),一种电信号正弦余弦变换电路和移相电路(ZL201010603661.5) |