
微电子与光电子学系 博导


寇君龙 (Junlong Kou),副教授,博士生导师,国家级青年人才,紫金学者

本科毕业于港澳宝典资料大全,博士毕业于加州理工学院长期从事微纳结构调控的无源、有源光电材料及器件研究,器件主要用于光传感、光通信、能源、汽车雷达、生物医疗等领域。20192022年,寇君龙在国际领先半导体公司从事半导体激光器、调制器芯片研发和应用工作,积累了不少产学研经验。2021年入选国家级青年人才,2022年入选紫金学者,曾获江苏省科学技术一等奖、港澳宝典资料大全青年五四奖章、中国光学学会王大珩高校学生光学奖、江苏省优秀硕士学位论文等。寇君龙教授在Nature系列、IEEE系列、OPTICA系列ACS系列Physical Review系列等著名光电子刊物发表同行评议论文50余篇,相关成果被Nature Photonics等报道;申请、授权美国发明专利1项、中国发明专利20项,转让1项;撰写图书章节2章。被引用近1800余次,H-index 17中国光学学会高级会员,中国光学工程学会高级会员,中国电子学会/OPTICA/IEEE/SPIE会员,《CHIP》、《红外与激光工程》青年编委。



1. 微纳结构调控的新型半导体光电有源器件

2. 基于新型物理效应的电路

3. 面向智能传感系统的微纳光电子学传感器件

4. 光电计算器件和系统应用







† denotes co-first authors 

* denotes corresponding authors


37.Complex-Amplitude-Modulated Meta-Device for Optical Image Processing

 X. Jiang†, P. Lin†, Y. Zhang, T. Xu, Y. Lu, and J.-l Kou*

 Accepted by Chip

36. 一种基于对称破缺连续域束缚态的单向辐射激光器 CN118801211A

35. 一种基于非对称数字系统编码的静态可逆信息隐藏方法 CN119046901A

34. 空间光场成像器件及其制备方法 CN118131476B

33. Non-Hermitian Coherent Perfect Absorption Circuit Sensor (In Preparation)

 J. Sheng, Z. Gao, J. Qianand J.-l Kou*

32. 自研高功率脉冲激光器(工程样机)

 J. Sheng, Y. Liu, X. Jiand J.-l Kou*

31. Coherent perfect absorption in RLC circuits with unidirectional coupling (In Preparation)

 Z. Gao, J. Sheng, W. Zhao, Y.-q Lu, Q. Zhong, and J.-l Kou*

30. Inverse Design of Multiplexable Meta-devices for Imaging and Processing

 Z.-x Zhou, X.-y Zhang, H. Qin, Z.-x Gao, Y.-a Zhang, C. Huang, F. Fang, Y.-q Lu, and J.-l Kou*

 ACS Photonics 12, 1, 246-252 (2025)

29. Square-root dependent spectrum splitting based on transmission peak degeneracy in electronic circuits  (In Preparation)

 Y. Zhang, Y.-q Lu, Q. Zhong, and J.-l Kou*

28. Circuits Based on Exceptional Points Introduced by Unidirectional Coupling

 W. Zhao, Y. Zhang, Z. Gao, J.-l Kou*, Y.-q. Lu, S. Ozdemir, Q. Zhong

 Nature Communications 15, 9907 (2024)

 Featured article by Nature Springer (Nature Springer亮点研究工作)

27. 一种基于相干激光阵列的光卷积神经网络 CN118586452A

26. Observation of Parity-Time Symmetry for Evanescent Waves

 Z. Chen, H. He, H. Li, M. Li, J.-l Kou, Y.-q. Lu, J. Xu, and Andrea Alù

 Communications Physics 7 (1), 339

25. Polarization Field in Momentum Space of Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Slabs 二维光子晶体板动量空间中的偏振场(特邀,内封面)

 W. Wang, J.-l Kou*, and Y.-q. Lu

 光学学报 44.10(2024):1026003

24. 一种非对称激射的涡旋激光器 CN118763499A

23. Low-index-contrast metastructure for on-chip optical scattering computation based on topology optimization (Submitted)

 P. Hong, Y.-q. Lu, and J.-l. Kou*

22. Meta-device for multifunctional imaging based on wavelength multiplexing (In Preparation)

 Hao-ran Qin†,Xin-yi Zhang†, Y.-q. Lu, andJ.-l. Kou*

21. Inverse-design of Bessel-Gaussian beam emitter based on density adjoint method (In Preparation)

 X. Jiang, Y.-q. Lu, and J.-l. Kou*

20. Inverse Design of Reconfigurable Arithmetic Unit (Submitted)

 Hao-ran Qin†,Xin-yi Zhang†, Y.-q. Lu, and J.-l. Kou*

19. Non-local polarization multiplexing meta-surface for image processing (Submitted)

 Xin-yi Zhang†, Hao-ran Qin†, Y.-q. Lu, and J.-l. Kou*

18. Evolution of degenerate pairs of symmetry-protected bound states in the continuum

 W. Zhao†, W. Wang†, J.-l. Kou*, and Y.-q. Lu

 IEEE Photonics Journal, 16, 4600407

17. Spin-dependent edge detection and imaging enabled by optical circularly polarised states

 J. Chen†, Z.-x. Chen†, Z.-x Zhou, Y.-q. Lu, and J.-l. Kou*

 Light: Advanced Manufacturing (2025)6:8

16. Advances of Inverse Design in Photonics 光子学逆向设计研究进展 (特邀,2023年优秀封面论文)

 P. HONG,L. HU,Z. ZHOU,H. QIN,J. CHEN,Y. FAN,T. YIN,J.-l. Kou*, and Y.-q. Lu


15. Hierarchical construction of higher-order exceptional points

 Q. Zhong, J. Kou, S. K. Ozdemir, R. El-Ganainy

 Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 203602

14. Dynamic optical control of near-field radiative transfer

J.-l. Kou, A. J. Minnich

 Opt. Express 26 (18), A729-A736

13. Wavelength-selective thermal extraction for higher efficiency and power density thermophotovoltaics

 Z. Jurado*, J.-l. Kou*, S. M. Kamali, A. Faraon, A. J. Minnich

 J. Appl. Phys. 124 (18), 183105

12. Daytime radiative cooling using near-black infrared emitters

J.-l. Kou, Z. Jurado, Z. Chen, S. Fan, A. J. Minnich

 ACS Photon. 4 (3), 626-630

11. Highly Efficient and Tailorable On-Chip Metal–Insulator–Metal Plasmonic Nanofocusing Cavity

 Z. Li, J.-l. Kou, M. Kim, J. Lee, and H. Choo

 ACS Photon. 1, 944-953

10. Implementation of a high-Q and small-mode-volume cavity in microfibers

J.-l. Kou, F. Xu, and H. Choo

 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 20, 85-88

9. Platform for enhanced lightgraphene interaction length and miniaturizing fiber stereo devices

J.-l. Kou, J.-h. Chen, Y. Chen, F. Xu, and Y.-q. Lu

 Optica 1, 307-310

8. Miniaturized broadband highly birefringent device with stereo rod-microfiber-air structure

J.-l. Kou, Y. Chen, F. Xu, and Y.-q. Lu

 Opt. Express 20, 28431-28436

7. Highly birefringent slot-microfiber

J.-l. Kou, F. Xu, and Y.-q. Lu

 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 23, 1034-1036

6. Demonstration of a compact temperature sensor based on first-order Bragg grating in a tapered  fiber probe

J.-l. Kou, S.-j. Qiu, F. Xu, and Y.-q. Lu

 Opt. Express 19, 18452-18457

5. Broadband and highly efficient quadratic interactions in double-slot lithium niobate waveguides through phase matching

J.-l. Kou, Q. Wang, Z.-y. Yu, F. Xu, and Y.-q. Lu

 Opt. Lett. 36, 2533-2535

4. 一种激光器 202110891605.4


3. 一种垂直腔面发射激光器及其制造方法与应用 202110548868.5


2. 一种垂直腔面发射激光器及其制备方法 202110728999.1


1. 一种垂直腔面发射激光器及其制造方法与应用 202110691592.6




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