微电子与光电子学系 博导
![]() 余林蔚微电子与光电子学系 博导 |
余林蔚,港澳宝典资料大全港澳宝典资料大全 教授/博导 获国家杰出青年基金、国家海外高层次人才计划(青年项目)、江苏省“双创个人及团队”计划和江苏省杰出青年基金等人才项目资助。担任法国国家科学研究院终身职位研究员(CNRS-CR2),英国物理协会IOP《Nanotechnology》编委,国际非晶/纳米晶薄膜半导体会议(ICANS)国际常驻顾问委员会委员。 教育工作经历: 1. 1997-2001年,港澳宝典资料大全物理学系,获物理学学士学位 主要研究成果: 在硅基纳米线集成制备和器件应用等领域系列工作,以第一或通讯作者在Nature Communications、Physical Review Letters、Advanced Materials、Nano Letters、ACS Nano、Adv Funct Mater.、Advanced Sciences、Small、Nano Energy等国际一流学术期刊上发表论文120余篇。获得国际PCT发明授权专利3项和国内授权发明专利40余项。主持国家自然科学基金“杰出青年基金”、“后摩尔时代重大研发计划”重点项目和多项面上研究项目,承担江苏省科技支撑计划专项,与华为终端、海思以及京东方等企业围绕相关科研成果启动多项重大“产学研”成果转化。 所获奖励: 1. 2022年,以第1完成人获教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果“自然科学”二等奖。 研究方向
1) 硅基纳米线三维生长和集成工艺 2) GAA-FET、柔性晶硅及显示逻辑器件 3) 硅基微纳光电、传感及仿生机电系统应用 主要课程
本科生: 《硅基纳米光电、能源材料与器件应用(通识课)》 本科/研究生: ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 本课题组长期招聘: 1. 准/长聘副教授(推荐申报四青人才) 2. 专职科研岗、博士后研究员 3. 半导体器件、人工智能和微纳机械方向研究生 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 代表成果
1. High-Performance Gate-All-Around Field Effect Transistors Based on Orderly Arrays of Catalytic Si Nanowire Channels 2. Step-necking growth of silicon nanowire channels for high performance field effect transistors Lei Wu, Zhiyan Hu, Lei Liang, Ruijin Hu*, Junzhuan Wang*, and Linwei Yu* 3. Scalable Integration of High Sensitivity Strain Sensors Based on Silicon Nanowire Spring Array Directly Grown on Flexible Polyimide Films Xiaopan Song, Yang Gu, Sheng Wang*, Junyu Fan, Junyang An, Lei Yan, Bin Sun, Junzhuan Wang, Linwei Yu* Nano Letters, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c05553 (2025) 4. Flexible Silicon for High-performance Photovoltaics, Photodetectors and Bio-interfaced electronics 5. Nanowire-Based Flexible Sensors for Wearable Electronics, Brain–Computer Interfaces, and Artificial Skins Xiaopan Song, Yang Gu, Sheng Wang*, Junzhuan Wang, Linwei Yu* 6. Lorentz Force-Actuated Bidirectional Nanoelectromechanical Switch with an Ultralow Operation Voltage 7. High performance field-effect sensing of ammonia based on high-density and ultrathin silicon nanowire channels 8. Channel-bias-controlled reconfigurable silicon nanowire transistors via an asymmetric electrode contact strategy 9. High-performance radial junction solar cells on ZnO coated stainless steel with excellent flexibility and durability 10. Ultracompact single-nanowire-morphed grippers driven by vectorial Lorentz forces for dexterous robotic manipulations Jiang Yan, Ying Zhang, Zongguang Liu*, Junzhuan Wang, Jun Xu and Linwei Yu* 11. Toward monolithic growth integration of nanowire electronics in 3D architecture: a review SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences66, 200406 (2023) 12. Ultra-confined catalytic growth integration of sub-10 nm 3D stacked silicon nanowires via self-delimited droplet formation strategy Small 18, 2204390(2022) 13. Highly stretchable high-performance silicon nanowire field effect transistors integrated on elastomer substrates 14. Designable Integration of Silicide Nanowire Springs as Ultra-Compact and Stretchable Electronic Interconnections 15. Flexible and robust 3D a-SiGe radial junction near-infrared photodetectors for rapid sphygmic signal monitoring 16. Highly flexible radial tandem junction thin film solar cells with excellent power-to-weight ratio 17. Ab Initio Design, Shaping, and Assembly of Free-Standing Silicon Nanoprobes Zongguang Liu, Jiang Yan, Haiguang Ma, Tiancheng Hu, Junzhuan Wang, Yi Shi, Jun Xu, Kunji Chen, and Linwei Yu* 18. Superfast Growth Dynamics of High-Quality Silicon Nanowires on Polymer Films via Self-Selected Laser-Droplet-Heating 19. Unprecedented Uniform 3D Growth Integration of 10-Layer Stacked Si Nanowires on Tightly Confined Sidewall Grooves Nano Letters 20, 7489–7497 (2020) 20. Cylindrical Line-Feeding Growth of Free-Standing Silicon Nanohelices as Elastic Springs and Resonators Nano Letters20, 5072–5080 (2020) 26. Mixed cation perovskite solar cells by stack-sequence chemical vapor deposition with self-passivation and gradient absorption layer 27. Dual-Phase CsPbBr3–CsPb2Br5 Perovskite Thin Films via Vapor Deposition for High-Performance Rigid and Flexible Photodetectors 28. Deterministic Line-Shape Programming of Silicon Nanowires for Extremely Stretchable Springs and Electronics 29. Ultra-fast solar-blind ultraviolet detection by inorganic perovskite CsPbX3 quantum dots radial junction architecture 31. Engineering island-chain silicon nanowires via a droplet mediated Plateau-Rayleigh transformation 33. Highly-connected silicon-copper alloy mixture nanotubes as high rate and durable anode materials for lithium ion batteries 34. Hierarchical Nano-branched c-Si/SnO2 Nanowires for High Areal Capacity and Stable Lithium-Ion Battery 35. Incorporation and redistribution dynamics of impurities into silicon nanowires 36. In-Plane Epitaxial Growth of Silicon Nanowires and Junction Formation on Si(100) Substrates 37. Bismuth-Catalyzed and Doped Silicon Nanowires for One-Pump-Down Fabrication of Radial Junction Solar Cells 38. An in-plane solid-liquid-solid growth mode for self-avoiding lateral silicon nanowires 课题组毕业研究生 博士学位(17人): 许明坤、于忠卫、宋虎成(2016) 童国庆(2017) 薛兆国(2018) 赵耀龙、孙肖林(2019) 董泰阁、马海光(2020) 孙莹、张廷(2021) 张少波、胡瑞金(2022) 袁荣荣、宋晓攀(2023) 程银子、梁磊 (2024) 硕士学位(17人): 钱晟一、时荣荣(2016) 陆嘉文、王鸿祥(2017) 王吉米、杨帆(2018) 雷亚奎、朱智旻、吴小祥、刘川、曹璐瑶 (2019) 尹涵(2020) 刘帅帅、徐顺(2021) 梁逸飞、甘鑫(2023) 张颖 (2024) |